#3350 Original Outfit (1966)
#3552 Walkin' My Dolly
#3553 Night Sleep Tight
#3354 Me and My Dog
#3555 Melody in Pink
#3556 Sundae Treat
#3601 Puddle Jumpers
#3602 Ship Shape
#3603 Sand Castles
#3604 Skippin' Rope
#3559 Cookin' Goodies
#3560 Swing-a-ling
#3570 Original Outfit for Chis
#3580 Original Outfit for Tutti
#3590 Original outfit for Todd
#3606 Clowning Around
#3607 Come to My Party
#3608 Let's Play Barbie
#3609 Plantin' Poises
#3301 Sears Exclusive Gift Set:
Chris Funtimers Set
Tutti's tiny little clothes were made just for her in 1966. Her brother Todd could be found only in #3556 Sundae Treat. Beginning in 1967 Chris and Tutti shared their clothes. Todd was sold by himself in 196,7 and the outfit he came in was his only one. (In 1969, the ensembles from 1968 were repeated.) These small sized clothes for these three were all discontinued in the United States after 1969.
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